> -----Original Message-----
> From: andy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Sunday, February 12, 2006 6:38 PM
> To: sqlite-users@sqlite.org
> Subject: [sqlite] Primary Key
> I'm using sqlite 3.2.8
> I have a table:
> create table lookups
> (
>    id integer,
>    descr varchar(80),
>    codetype integer,
>    primary key(id)
> );
> when I use:
> pragma index_list(lookups);
> It returns nothing.  However, if I change the id field to 
> text instead 
> of integer, then it shows:
> 0|sqlite_autoindex_lookups_1|1
> So my question is:
> when id is an integer, is there an index?  If there is, why 
> does it not 
> show?

If you're writing a subroutine to fetch the indexes for a database, you need
to code for this in the logic.  Call PRAGMA table_info() on all the tables.
Any row in any table_info resultset who's type is "integer" and who's pk
value is 1 are indexed rowids and you just make a fake entry in your return
array or whatever.


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