Hi Nathaniel,

even if it is not absolutely accurate, a factor of about 5
is beyond accuracy tolerances.

Kind regards


On Wednesday 22 February 2006 01:38, Nathaniel Smith wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 22, 2006 at 01:13:19AM +0200, Ulrich Schöbel wrote:
> > I tried the 10 reps expecting even more. Then came the surprise:
> > only 67 microsecs.
> >
> > My first feeling was, something like a busy disk or so came
> > in just when I tried the 100 reps. But the results were reproducible,
> > deviating only by a few microseconds.
> Perhaps your timing harness simply can't get accurate results at a
> mere 10 repetitions?
> -- Nathaniel

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