> I anticipate 2 bottlenecks...
> 1. My anticipated bottleneck under postgres is that the DB-writing app.
> must parse incoming bursts of data and store in the DB.  The machine
> sending this data is seeing a delay in processing.  Debugging has shown
> that the INSERTS (on the order of a few thousand) is where most of the time
> is wasted.

I would wrap the "bursts" in a transaction if you can (begin; and commit; 

> 2. The other bottleneck is data retrieval.  My DB-reading application must
> read the DB record-by-record (opens a cursor and reads one-by-one), build
> the data into a message according to a system ICD, and ship it out.
> postgres (postmaster) CPU usage is hovering around 85 - 90% at this time.

I do a simular thing in my application, what I do is to snapshot (copy) the 
database (A sqlite database is a single file) and then run my batch process 
against the copy. 
> The expansion of data will force me to go from a maximum 3400 row table to
> a maximum of 11560.

My tables are a simular size

> From what I gather in reading about SQLite, it seems to be better equipped
> for performance.  All my testing of the current system points to postgres
> (postmaster) being my bottleneck.
> Jason Alburger
> HID/NAS/LAN Engineer
> L3/ATO-E En Route Peripheral Systems Support
> 609-485-7225
>              [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                                
>              03/01/2006 09:54                                           To 
>              AM                        sqlite-users@sqlite.org             
>                                                                         cc 
>              Please respond to                                     Subject 
>              [EMAIL PROTECTED]         Re: [sqlite] performance statistics 
>                   te.org                                                   
> >
> > I am currently investigating porting my project from postgres to SQLite
> due
> > to anticipated performance issues
> >
> I do not thing speed should really be the prime consideration
> here.  PostgreSQL and SQLite solve very different problems.
> I think you should choose the system that is the best map to
> the problem you are trying to solve.
> PostgreSQL is designed to support a large number of clients
> distributed across multiple machines and accessing a relatively
> large data store that is in a fixed location.  PostgreSQL is
> designed to replace Oracle.
> SQLite is designed to support a smaller number of clients
> all located on the same host computer and accessing a portable
> data store of only a few dozen gigabytes which is eaily copied
> or moved.  SQLite is designed to replace fopen().
> Both SQLite and PostgreSQL can be used to solve problems outside
> their primary focus.  And so a high-end use of SQLite will
> certainly overlap a low-end use of PostgreSQL.  But you will
> be happiest if you will use them both for what they were
> originally designed for.
> If you give us some more clues about what your requirements
> are we can give you better guidance about which database might
> be the best choice.
> --
> D. Richard Hipp   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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