On Wed, Mar 01, 2006 at 05:42:57PM +0100, Denis Sbragion wrote:
> Hello Andrew,
> On Wed, March 1, 2006 17:31, Andrew Piskorski wrote:
> > Is that in fact true?  I am not familiar with how PostgreSQL
> > implements the SERIALIZABLE isolation level, but I assume that
> > PostgreSQL's MVCC would still give some advantage even under
> > SERIALIZABLE: It should allow the readers and (at least one of) the
> > writers to run concurrently.  Am I mistaken?
> PostgreSQL always played the "readers are never blocked" mantra. Nevertheless
> I really wonder how the strict serializable constraints could be satisfied
> without blocking the readers while a write is in place.

Simple: readers have to handle the possibility that they'll need to
re-run their transaction. From http://lnk.nu/postgresql.org/8gf.html:

 the same as SELECT in terms of searching for target rows: they will
 only find target rows that were committed as of the transaction start
 time. However, such a target row may have already been updated (or
 deleted or locked) by another concurrent transaction by the time it is
 found. In this case, the serializable transaction will wait for the
 first updating transaction to commit or roll back (if it is still in
 progress). If the first updater rolls back, then its effects are
 negated and the serializable transaction can proceed with updating the
 originally found row. But if the first updater commits (and actually
 updated or deleted the row, not just locked it) then the serializable
 transaction will be rolled back with the message

 ERROR:  could not serialize access due to concurrent update

 because a serializable transaction cannot modify or lock rows changed
 by other transactions after the serializable transaction began. 
Jim C. Nasby, Sr. Engineering Consultant      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Pervasive Software      http://pervasive.com    work: 512-231-6117
vcard: http://jim.nasby.net/pervasive.vcf       cell: 512-569-9461

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