Hi SQLite,


Thanks for building such a wonderful product. I've used BerkeleyDBs in
the past and have been pleased to have SQLite's SQL interface. That
said, I have some questions about optimizing .import.


I'd like to load a tab-delimited file that's about 40G and has 400M
rows, and I'd like to build two indices on it. I load it with .import.


-          How can I make this load as fast as possible? I've tried
wrapping the .import command in a transaction, but didn't notice any
change in the rate of file size growth.

-          How can I get SQLite to use a large amount of memory for
indexing? Loading this table into MySQL, I have the server allocate a
buffer pool with around 48G of memory, which speeds things up a lot. Can
SQLite do that?

-          What is the optimal time to create indices - during or after
the data load?


For reference, my present load commands:


drop table mytable;

create table mytable

  (stuff1  text not null,

   stuff2 text not null,

   stuff3 integer unsigned not null,

   r1   integer unsigned not null,

   r2   integer unsigned not null,

   r3   integer unsigned not null,

   r4   integer unsigned not null,

   r5   integer unsigned not null,

   r6   integer unsigned not null,

   r7   integer unsigned not null,

   r8   integer unsigned not null,

   r9   integer unsigned not null,

   r10  integer unsigned not null,

   r11  integer unsigned not null,

   primary key (stuff1, stuff2, stuff3, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, r8,
r9, r10, r11) on conflict ignore);

create index stuff21 on mytable (stuff2, stuff1, stuff3, r1, r2, r3, r4,
r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, r10, r11);


.mode tabs

begin exclusive;

.import '/home/bartzk/mydir/mytable.txt' mytable 2;




Note that I installed a patch to get the additional argument to .import.
Any ideas? Thanks,



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