Dave Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Igor - ok I tried this, and now I am getting SQLITE_BUSY returned
when I try
to sqlite3_exec my "BEGIN IMMEDIATE" statement.  So I then put that
in a
do-while( rc == SQLITE_BUSY) loop, and now my first thread is getting
SQLITE_BUSY returned when it tries to execute the 1-line INSERT
(without transaction).

It should run the busy handler in this situation as far as I can tell - I have no idea why it might not.

Does anything change if you use BEGIN IMMEDIATE for DB1 too?

Note that when you don't explicitly start a transaction, one is started for you anyway as soon as you try to execute a statement, and is automatically committed when the statement completes. So it is incorrect to way that you run a statement without transaction.

Igor Tandetnik

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