
I knocked up a quick test with python and apsw and it worked as intended. My data isn't exactly the same as yours in that I don't have the variety in the keys, but you're not having problems with those. My test database contains your data with/without embedded carriage returns - as expected, it makes no difference.

In the following, zip(..) is a quick hack to get all the results from the query. The spurious '[', ']' and other brackets surrounding the results are a result of the way that apsw returns data (as lists of python tuples).

Apologies for the extreme width of the following lines. :(

zip(csr.execute("select * from t"))

(('file000000005809', '(0,NSFileTypeRegular,0,22537,0,staff,234881026,294022,2004-12-16 10:11:00 -0800,tciuro,384,2006-03-26 08:01:55 -0800,502,20)'),), (('file01010000581a', '(1,NSFileTypeRegular,1,22554,0,staff,234881026,294022,2004-12-16 10:11:03 -0800,tciuro,384,2006-03-26 08:04:55 -0800,502,20)'),), (('file02020000582b', '(2,NSFileTypeRegular,2,22571,0,staff,234881026,294022,2004-12-16 10:11:06 -0800,tciuro,384,2006-03-26 08:07:55 -0800,502,20)'),),
(('file00000000595d', '(\n 0,\n NSFileTypeRegular,\n 0,\n 22877,\n 0,\n staff,\n 234881026,\n 294022,\n 2004-12-16 10:11:00 -0800,\n tciuro,\n 384,\n 2006-03-26 08:01:55 -0800,\n 502,\n 20\n)'),), (('file01010000596e', '(\n 1,\n NSFileTypeRegular,\n 1,\n 22894,\n 0,\n staff,\n 234881026,\n 294022,\n 2004-12-16 10:11:03 -0800,\n tciuro,\n 384,\n 2006-03-26 08:04:55 -0800,\n 502,\n 20\n)'),), (('file02020000597f', '(\n 2,\n NSFileTypeRegular,\n 2,\n 22911,\n 0,\n staff,\n 234881026,\n 294022,\n 2004-12-16 10:11:06 -0800,\n tciuro,\n 384,\n 2006-03-26 08:07:55 -0800,\n 502,\n 20\n)'),),

zip(csr.execute("SELECT * FROM t WHERE CMValues GLOB '*2004-12-16 10:11:45 -0800*'"))

(('file151500005908', '(15,NSFileTypeRegular,15,22792,0,staff,234881026,294022,2004-12-16 10:11:45 -0800,tciuro,384,2006-03-26 08:46:55 -0800,502,20)'),), (('file151500005a5c', '(\n 15,\n NSFileTypeRegular,\n 15,\n 23132,\n 0,\n staff,\n 234881026,\n 294022,\n 2004-12-16 10:11:45 -0800,\n tciuro,\n 384,\n 2006-03-26 08:46:55 -0800,\n 502,\n 20\n)'),)

zip(csr.execute("SELECT * FROM t WHERE CMValues LIKE '%2004-12-16 10:11:45 -0800%'"))

(('file151500005908', '(15,NSFileTypeRegular,15,22792,0,staff,234881026,294022,2004-12-16 10:11:45 -0800,tciuro,384,2006-03-26 08:46:55 -0800,502,20)'),), (('file151500005a5c', '(\n 15,\n NSFileTypeRegular,\n 15,\n 23132,\n 0,\n staff,\n 234881026,\n 294022,\n 2004-12-16 10:11:45 -0800,\n tciuro,\n 384,\n 2006-03-26 08:46:55 -0800,\n 502,\n 20\n)'),)

Could you try reducing your search strings and see if there's a point at which they start working?


Martin Jenkins
Ascot, UK

----- Original Message ----- From: "Tito Ciuro" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Forum SQLite" <sqlite-users@sqlite.org>
Sent: Sunday, March 26, 2006 6:50 PM
Subject: [sqlite] LIKE and GLOB bug with numbers?


I've populated a datafile with 40.176 records which contain file attributes and file paths. I have two columns, CMKey and CMValues. The column CMKey contains the path to the file and the column CMValues contains the attribute values. For example:

CMKey: Application Support/AbiSuite/AbiWord.Profile

    2004-12-16 10:11:35 -0800,
    2006-03-26 08:35:55 -0800,

Both columns are of type TEXT.

This is what I've found:

1) SELECT * FROM FinderFiles WHERE CMKey GLOB '*AbiWord.Profile*' returns 1 match. This is correct.

2) SELECT * FROM FinderFiles WHERE CMKey LIKE '%ABIWORD.Profile%' returns 1 match. This is correct.

3) SELECT * FROM FinderFiles WHERE CMValues GLOB '*2004-12-16 10:11:35 -0800*' returns 40.176 matches. This is not correct. There is no way I created these 40.176 file at the *very same* time. Just to be sure, I looked at one random file (of the 40.176) and I've obtained the following creation date attribute:

NSFileCreationDate = 2004-02-21 06:12:43 -0800;

The same problem occurs if I perform the query:

SELECT * FROM FinderFiles WHERE CMValues LIKE '%2004-12-16 0:11:35 -0800%'

This problem seems to occur when trying to match something with numbers:

- If I look for NSFilePosixPermissions 448 (which I know exists) I get zero matches
- If I look for strings, such as in step #1 or #2, it works fine.

Something is wrong, I just can't figure out why...

Any ideas? Is this a bug?


-- Tito

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