John Stanton wrote:
Tito Ciuro wrote:
On 26/03/2006, at 10:51, MGC wrote:

Your design is fundamentaly wrong.
I don't know what your intended use
is for this data, but I am logging identical fstat file info along with an
MD5 sums.

Well... if you don't know what is the intended use for the data, how can you say that my design is fundamentally wrong? :-)

It's not wrong. That's the way it has to be. Now, if I could match the data properly with LIKE and GLOB, that would be great.

Thanks for your response though.


-- Tito
LIKE and GLOB do a row scan, and give you none of the advantages of an RDBMS. Why not use a flat file and grep and get simplicity and greater speed?

Or even simply split your CSV attributes array into separate columns? Or at least those values which you need to use in queries if you're resisting doing that?



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