Thank you very much.  I will check this out and let you know or attach the


-----Original Message-----
From: Dennis Cote [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, March 31, 2006 12:03 PM
Subject: Re: [sqlite] Question

Bill Giannotti wrote:

>I have never installed the sqlite database, do not know  how it got
>initiated on my computer or how it got invoked by my computer or programs,
>but I am getting lots of files filling up my temp directory of the form
>"sqlite_gibberish" with no extension, as well as files of the form
>"ver1a.tmp, ver1b.tmp, ver2a.tmp", etc.  Plus my virus update notifier is
>getting very active, telling me every couple of minutes that my software
>been updated.
>When this first started last week, I decided to reformat the disk and
>reinstall the O/S, especially since it just came back from a repair shop.
>But it started again, and so there must be something I am using to invoke
>this, probably from the web.  I am running Win XP SP2, have AOL and AOL
>Security Center with McAfee
>Can anyone give me any clue on how this started and how to make it stop?

This has been discussed here before. See

and this ticket

If you can't find out what program is creating the files by using
ProcessExplorer or FileMon from SysInternals (both good programs that
are easy to install and simple to use), could you try zipping up one of
those sqlite_gibberish files and attaching it to ticket #1698 (use the
link above and then click on "Attach" near the upper right corner of the

Please let us know what you find.

Dennis Cote

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