m christensen wrote:


m christensen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Ok, more info....

The SQLite.so library in the perl site install directory is version
3.2.7 from looking at the strings in the binary itself.

If I rename that file so as to 'hide' it the perl code falls over dead as it can't find it.

SO.... I have a library that I NOW it is using which:

Claims to be 3.2.7 according to the source code.
Claims to be 3.2.7 according to the compiled lib strings.
BUT It Returns 3.2.2 from the $dbh ->{sqlite_version} function.

You are not loading the library you think you are.  If the
source code says 3.2.7 then $dbh->{sqlite_version} will too.

That is why this is SOOO frustrating.

There is absolutely no question it's using the library in question (at least in some way). If I MOVE the SQLite.so file (Which contains 3.2.7) the script fails, stating the SQLite module
is not installed correctly.
When I put it back, it works, and internally claims it's version 3.2.2

Are you sure that $dbh0>(sqlite_version) returns the same thing as executing the following SQL:

   select sqlite_version();

I don't use perl, so I'm not sure how you actually execute the query.

One other possibility, you may have a wrapper that is statically linked to an older library and the SQLite.so dynamic library may not be used.

Finally, shouldn't the library name be sqlite3.so or libsqlite3.so?

Dennis Cote

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