Will Leshner wrote:
>> Hello,
>> When using sqlite-3.3.4 with windows I get the following strange behaviour.
>> create table Muppet (Kermit float);
>> insert into Muppet values (100);
>> select * from Muppet;
>> 100.0
> That's not strange. Kermit is defined to be a FLOAT, so it gets
> returned as a FLOAT. Perhaps you wanted it to be returned as an
> INTEGER? You could try something like this:
> SELECT cast(kermit as INTEGER) FROM Muppet;

I wanted it to return the same format as SQLite does in Windows CE or
any other SQL engine does. Consistency? If someone enters 100 then it
could be a rounded value but if someone enters 100.0 (or 100.1) then it
usually isn't rounded. So now I need two fields, one with the value and
one that says how many decimals the user entered and then format the
output? Or make every field as varchars? Seems a little stupid to me.

If this is a part of the roadmap and not a bug then the next question
would be, is version 3.2.8 stable as that was the last version that
worked as I wanted in winxp?

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