I am writing as the author of SQLiteSpy:

SQLiteSpy does not currently does not allow editing field values in the display 
grid. However, this is planned for a future version.

You have asked "How is it so complicated? *hmmm*" Well, because SQLite does not 
have an interface to save values back to the database for any arbitrary select 
statement. In order to update a cell, its database, table, column, and row must 
be determined, which is unfortunately not always possible, for example if the 
query does not contain the RowID as part of its result set. Then SQLiteSpy 
would have to modify the query, and so on.

I wish there was a function like

  long long int sqlite3_column_rowid(sqlite3_stmt*, int iCol);

which returns the RowID for the field. This could then be used to build 
reliable update statements (see my other post to this list).



>> You should try Ralf Junker's SQLiteSpy (see 
>> http://www.zeitungsjunge.de/delphi/sqlitespy/index.htm). I use it, and 
>> it works very well. The current version doesn't allow editing the field 
>> values in the display grid, but I think he has said that he is working 
>> on that feature.
>Thanks for your answer. I found SQLiteSpy in Web and first time
>it seems to works very well. But I cannot edit Cells in Grid. 
>And the Edit-Area below is editable, but dont save the changes
>to cell.  I dont found some references how to do.
>Indeed, thats curious. No one of the found Admintools can edit a 
>Cell-Value directly in the Cell. I think, edit directly in Cell and 
>dont ask "Do you want to save the changes?" is simplest way to do this. 
>Most time, i know exactly, what I want to edit and save.
>How is it so complicated? *hmmm*

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