I use sqlitebrowser and is very happy with it

mvh Anders

COS skrev:

----- Original Message ----- From: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <sqlite-users@sqlite.org>
Sent: Monday, May 15, 2006 3:44 PM
Subject: [sqlite] Charset-Confusions

An the 2. question: Is there any Really-Good-Admin-Tool to create
DB and Table, to browse and maybe edit Fieldvalues in a grid?
I have found 4 Admin-Programms. Some of them cannot open Version 3,
some cannot differ Unicode and Multibytecharset, one of them has
not a useful gui.

Greetings from Germany

Try DBTools Manager Professional at http://www.dbtools.com.br/EN/downloads.
It is very popular in the Open Sourced databases community  (It supports
many database engines). Its features can be compared with a mix of MSSQL
Server Enterprise Manager and MSAccess. It has a datasheet view to edit
table data with the following features:

- Capabilities for data paging: very good if your table has millions of data
- Capabilities to show images from blob fields as well as import/export
binary content
- Edit/Save, Filter and Order field capabilities
- Can be exported to HTML, XML, CSV and MSAccess

PS: For Windows only.

Check the page http://www.dbtools.com.br/EN/dbmanagerpro for a full list of

Best Regards,

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