Hi Dennis,
               I am stuck up with a problem. I want to calculate the
time taken for retrieval of 10,00,000 random records 10,00,000 times. I
am using a function getNumber for getting the random number and getTime
for getting the current time.getNumber function will return a value
between 1 and 10,00,000. When I am passing the range of random number to
be generated as 1000, the program is taking  340 seconds to complete. I
am not able to give 10,00,000 as the range, since It is going to take a
lot time.Y is it so. I am attaching the program with this. Please have a
look at it. Can any body tell me where am I going wrong. Is there any
other methods that can be used so that I can reduce the retrieval time?

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    char *database = "test.db";
    sqlite3 *db;
    sqlite3_stmt *select;
    int   col1,rc,i,j;
    int no_of_rows=1000000,count;
    char *col2;
    char *col3;
    double start_time, end_time, elapsed_time,  total_elapsed_time=0;

    sqlite3_open(database, &db);

    sqlite3_prepare(db, "select * from data_table where seq_number = ?",
-1,&select,NULL  );

    sqlite3_bind_int(select, 1, j);


    start_time=getTime(); //get the starting time of fetching rows

    col1 = sqlite3_column_int(select,0);
    col2 = sqlite3_column_text(select,1);
    col3 = sqlite3_column_text(select,2);

    end_time = getTime();// getting the ending time of fetching rows
    elapsed_time = end_time - start_time;
    total_elapsed_time = total_elapsed_time + elapsed_time;

 //   printf("\n%d %s %s",col1,col2,col3);



     printf(" \nRetrieved %d datas in %lf seconds,%lf selects/sec\n\n",
no_of_rows,total_elapsed_time,no_of_rows / total_elapsed_time);
     return 0;

With Regards,

Anish Enos Mathew

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