Micha Bieber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> @list
> Maybe I'm too C++ biased - but what is the state of the sqlite3 and
> similar - e.g. 'Db' - structures in sqlites C-Interface ? Is this
> considered 'public' and also stable or indicates the missing
> documentation (at least I've found nothing apart from the sources) not to
> use them in user code otherwise than as opaque pointer for the sqlite
> interface ?

The sqlite3* and sqlite3_stmt* pointer are intended to be
opaque.  Their internal design is subject to drastic
change from one point release to the next.  If you search
the history of the SQLite project you will find that both 
of these structure have undergone radical changes in the
past.  Additional radical changes are likely in the future.
If you write code that depends on the internal layout of 
these structures, your code will very likely break in
future releases of SQLite.

D. Richard Hipp   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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