On 5/19/06, Brannon King <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

So I first had these commands:

create table blah (b INTEGER, c INTEGER);
insert into blah values(400,300);
insert into blah values(360,250);
select a,max(b-a) from blah where c=a and a > 200 and a < 500;

And how do I simply return a range of numbers with a select statement?


Where did you get the idea there are "fake" columns?

If you want to return a range of numbers from a column you simply add a
where condition. To get all rows with column c between 200 and 500 you have:

 select * from blah where c >= 200 and c <= 500;

If you want multiple columns you need to add multiple conditions like this:

 select * from blah
 where c >= 200 and c <= 500
 or b >= 200 and b <= 500

Ifyou need more help, please try to say what you want to do more
specifically.Someone will be able to help you.

Dennis COte

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