Hi John

> Anne, you don't say that you make your 100 inserts a transaction. 

Yes, I don't make the inserts in a transaction... because in that 
moment don't know how to use it.

Now I have read in the Docu and after it seems to me, that I understand,
I insert a Test-Function in my App. I start it... and nothing goes
on. I start it again... same result. I check my Source and see, 
thats ok. I start it at the third time, also the same... no result.

I Check my source again, and it seems furthermore to be ok. 
Then I use "my" SQLiteSpy and take a look in the Database. 
And I wonder... all Records being created. Whats that?

SQLite works so fast, that I cannot see it works...  :-D
Famous... very famous...

Thanks and best Greetings from Germany

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