I am not really sure if this is the place to discuss this. But the 
SQLite webpage doesn't list any developer related lists or contacts, so 
I give it a try.

We (that is mainly Daniel Lee Kruse, with a little bit of help from Andy
Willis and me) have re-ported SQLite to the OS/2 platform. My interest is 
mainly that Mozilla uses SQLite in its backend and we want to continue 
to run the Mozilla apps on OS/2. I didn't find any documentation on what
I have to do to get patches into the SQLite CVS source tree and the next
release. So I uploaded the patch for the port to the Trac system at 
<http://www.sqlite.org/cvstrac/tktview?tn=1817>. Do I need to do 
anything else? Will I get emails automatically when that bug entry is 
updated? (I input my email into the Trac form but it doesn't show up 
there now.)

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