On 5/29/06, Mikey C <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I am using a web front end to display paged results.  I need to tell the
user how many records there are in total, how many pages and which page they
are viewing.

I would like to use the LIMIT keyword to restrict the result using the two
parameters (offset and limit count) so that I do not waste resources loading
up 1000's of records just to discard the ones not on the current page.

If you can eliminate the requirement of giving the user a scroll bar or a count
of results then the need to get a count goes away.

If you can do it you're much better off forcing the user to accept
only the first N
results of any search. Nobody uses more than 10 pages or so of any interactive
result set and most people don't use more than the first couple of
pages. It really
speeds things up and simplifies things when you don't have to deal with very
large results. The users won't look at them anyway. The last time I had to do
this I had to go through a lot of trouble to get it to work acceptably fast.
I wrote special code to return the first page then do all the indexing for the
remaining pages while the user was looking at the first page.

SqliteImporter, SqliteReplicator: Command line utilities for Sqlite

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