I wonder if I need to implement some kind of mechanism that requires
you to either send a message to the mailing list or else renew your
subscription every 3 months.  Does anybody have any experience with
other mailing lists that require such measures?

It sounds like Clay figured it out.
The autoresponder would verify the signup email.
I'm going to have to rework my own stuff to avoid this too.

On list management, how about this:

* The mailing list periodically selects out all accounts that have not
posted and disables those accounts.
* Sends an email to those accounts telling them they're
disabled due to inactivity and they can reenable by clicking on a link.

It drops people who don't read it or that delete mail unread.
It's minimally intrusive to lurkers.
There's no overhead for posters.
It doesn't sound hard to implement.

SqliteImporter, SqliteReplicator: Command line utilities for Sqlite

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