yuyen wrote:
> HI, JC
> I use php_do_sqlite with PHP 5.1.4 and Sqlite 3.2.8 on Windows XP. The
> following is my coding:
> <?php
> try{
> $dsn = 'sqlite:counter/cntdata.sq3';
> $myConn = new PDO($dsn);
> $myPre = $myConn->prepare('update test_item set balqty = 100');
> $myPre->execute();
> }catch (PDOException $e){
>  die('execute err: '.$e->getMessage());
> }
> print('done!');
> ?>
> -----
> And the error is:
> execute err: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1 SQL logic error or
> missing database
> -----
> Would you please have a look and give me an advise. Thank you!
> Jack

Not having a windows box at hand, I can only guess things :)
But, if I remember (and sounds like this in PDO code) dns is passed as
is, so for windows, your dsn should be:
$dsn = 'sqlite:counter\\cntdata.sq3';
or, if you want a really portable way:
$dsn = 'sqlite:counter' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'cntdata.sq3';


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