"Peter Cunderlik" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > 1. As of SQLite 3.3.5, there is no multithreading (MT) problem with
> > > the SQLite itself. All problems come from the underlying OS libraries.
> >
> > I would argue that this has always been the case.  But beginning
> > in version 3.3.1, SQLite has taken additional steps to partially
> > work around problems in the OS.  So the OS problems are less
> > troublesome.
> <paranoid>
> The words "partially" and "less troublesome" make me worry a bit. :-)
> Can I assume that if tests threadtest1.c and threadtest2.c pass on my
> platform, then there would be no serious multithreading problems? (One
> crash per ice age is perfectly acceptable.)
> </paranoid>

As long as no prepared statements are outstanding, you should
be safe moving sqlite database connections across threads, as
of version 3.3.1.  The rules are not really quite that strict,
but the exact rules are more complex and this strict rule
gives you an extra margin of safety.
D. Richard Hipp   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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