Doug Nebeker wrote:
> The problem with that solution is that it assumes all database access
> happens from within a single process.  As far as I understand it, SQLite
> allows database access from multiple processes (and even from remote
> processes I assume) and thus the locking has to happen outside of the
> process.  In process locking would be a nice conditionally compiled
> optimization, but you'd have to guarantee that no other process would
> never touch the database. 
> -----Original Message----- 
> You could have a single thread that exclusively performs file 
> locking/unlocking. This
> thread would wait on a threadsafe work queue (using a POSIX 
> condition variable mechanism) and execute file locking/unlocking 
> tasks, otherwise it would use zero CPU. Functions could be provided to
> put file lock/unlock operations on to this work queue and wait for
> the result. 
> Such file locking/unlocking functions could be called
> safely and reliably from any thread. 

I read the original post to mean that the file locking/unlocking was still 
done, but that it was all done from a single worker thread, so that it was 
safe to do stuff that requires locks from any thread. Which solves your 

Nikki Locke, Trumphurst Ltd.      PC & Unix consultancy & programming

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