> Bill King <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Christian Smith wrote:
>>> If one transaction already has a read lock, and another transaction 
>>> has a reserved lock (trying to get a write lock), neither thread can 
>>> get a write lock. One of the transactions must abort.
>>> Such a sequence might be (in order):
>>> Transaction 1: BEGIN; SELECT ...
>>> Transaction 2: BEGIN; DELETE ...   (SQLITE_BUSY)
>>> T1           : UPDATE ...          (SQLITE_BUSY)
>>> Both transactions are now deadlocked.
>>> It would be nice if SQLite told us this. However, SQLite detects the 
>>> reserved lock and returns SQLITE_BUSY, telling niether transaction 
>>> much other than to try again. If a reserved lock is detected when 
>>> trying to promote an existing read lock, this is a deadlock situation 
>>> and should perhaps return an error code of SQLITE_DEADLOCK instead?
>> According to DRH this scenario shouldn't happen. Begin should set a 
>> flag, and the second begin will bug out because the flag is set. This is 
>> what looks like happening in my scenario, and is definately wrong 
>> behaviour.
> The flag that is set is private to each sqlite3 database
> connection.  So setting the flag in one connection should not
> have any effect on any other connection.
> --
> D. Richard Hipp   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
I understand why I'm getting the deadlock now, lazy locking, (it's
against the logical grain of transaction/locking, but that's a whole
other argument) . Maybe this should be highlighted with big arrows in
the information around multi-threading, as starvation/deadlock happens
and often, especially if you get the scenario:

begin                                           begin
write (fail because of read lock)       write ( busy deadlock)
commit (fail, busy, read lock).          commit (fail, busy, deadlock).

Which is quite common in a multi-threaded environment. (Our situation is
a multi-threaded directory scanner, inserting file entries into the
database, so collision occurs often)

The system descends into a sleep/wait scenario then, and with the
increasing sleep periods, just... stops. It eventually recovers, but, if
I'd known that had I used begin exclusive transaction in the first place
to stop this deadlock scenario, I wouldn't have had the levels of grief
that I have had.

Bill King, Software Engineer
Trolltech, Brisbane Technology Park
26 Brandl St, Eight Mile Plains, 
QLD, Australia, 4113
Tel + 61 7 3219 9906 (x137)
Fax + 61 7 3219 9938
mobile: 0423 532 733

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