Peter Bierman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At 2:20 PM -0400 6/26/06, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >SQLite 3.3.0 can read and write all prior versions of SQLite
> >databases.  But SQLite 3.2.8 cannot read or write a database
> >created by SQLite 3.3.0, unless you use
> >
> >   PRAGMA legacy_file_format=TRUE;
> >
> >prior to creating the database, or unless you compile 3.3.0
> Does this forward-incompatibility include the PRAGMA user_version?
> Ie., Can 3.2.8 read at least the user_version from a 3.3.0 file, even 
> if it can't read anything else?


> Are there web pages that describe the pros and cons of the new file format?

The new file format stores boolean values (the integers 0 and 1)
more efficiently - requiring only 1 bytes of disk space instead of
2.  There are no other changes.

Let me reemphasize that the new file format has caused so much
grief that I will likely revert to the older format with 3.4.0.
That is to say, databases created by 3.4.0 will be readable by
3.2.8.  3.4.0 will be able to read and write both the old and the
new formats, of course.  And you will still be able to use the new
format using a pragma or a compile-time option.  It just won't be
the default any more.

I have learned my lesson.  Do not enhance the file format without
a very good reason.  Saving one byte of space when storing booleans
is not a sufficiently good reason...

D. Richard Hipp   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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