I am confused.... what are you trying to acheive by building a Unicode DLL?

Hi to all

I have created my own 2 SQLite-DLL's, one as a Unicode-DLL and the
other one as Multibyte-DLL.

If I create a Test-App with Unicode selected and import the
Unicode-DLL it works fine. If I do the same, but have Multibyte
select und import the MBCS-DLL, some crazy things happens:
Some in the DB stored (by Test-App) Fields are confused.
Not all... only some...  That means, all Fields who are
temporarly stored in a COleVariant are buggy after they written
to DB.

The same MBCS-Test-App works fine, if I import the Unicode-DLL.
Now I'm really confused.....  ;-)

How do it right? Is it ok, if I ever use a Unicode-DLL?

Many thanks and best greetings from Germany


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