> I am confused.... what are you trying to acheive by building a Unicode
> DLL?

I'm really confused to... ;-)

OK. The Facts:

I create SQLite-Release-DLL's, one Unicode, one MCBS
I create SQLite-Debug-Libs with symbolic informations, also 
Unicode and MCBS. For all this I use the Source-Version 3.3.5.

Now I create a Test-Application. Its a test for hold values in 
a COleVariant-List: Strings, Floats and Integers.

I build it like the following code in a for(a++)-Loop:
   tmp.Format(_T("COleVariant Insert: %i"), a);
   colevar1         = COleVariant(tmp);
   colevar2         = COleVariant(long(256 * a));
   colevar3         = COleVariant(double(123456 / double(a)));
(Remember... its only a test)

Later, i receive the values again to store they to DB:
   CString tmp = (TCHAR *) _bstr_t(&colevar1);
   int     len = (int) tmp.GetLength() * sizeof(TCHAR);
   _sqlite3_bind_text(pRecordset, 1, tmp, len, NULL);

And even this one doesnt work. The stored Values are buggy in DB.

If I do the following directly without COleVariant, it work's right:
   tmp.Format(_T("COleVariant Insert: %i"), a);
   int len = (int) tmp.GetLength() * sizeof(TCHAR);
   _sqlite3_bind_text(pRecordset, 1, tmp, len, NULL);
And that is the thing, i cannot understand.

Now i found in the Docu "SQLITE_TRANSIENT". I test it like
this and all Lib's, Dll's and Test-Apps are working right:
   _sqlite3_bind_text(pRecordset, 1, tmp, len, SQLITE_TRANSIENT);

Is that ok..?... I'm a little bit unstable, what i have to do/think.

Best Greetings, Anne

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