Hello List,

Got this email from this a developer of XMMS2 Sounds a bit scary, anyone have seen this before?

-- Tobias

Begin forwarded message:

From: Alexander Botero-Lowry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: måndag 3 jul 2006 16.13.29 GMT-04:00
Subject: Fw: sqlite3_busy_timeout() on NetBSD

Begin forwarded message:

Date: Sun, 2 Jul 2006 15:34:40 -0500
From: Alexander Botero-Lowry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: sqlite-users@sqlite.org
Subject: sqlite3_busy_timeout() on NetBSD


I'm an xmms2 developer who does most of the work of getting xmms2
working on the various BSDs. I've currently run into a strange problem
with sqlite3_busy_timeout on NetBSD. It seems that it doesn't timeout
at all. Though sqlite3_busy_timeout() is set to 60000, when:

sqlite3_exec (sql, "PRAGMA user_version",
                              xmms_sqlite_version_cb, &version, NULL)

is called, we immediately get back SQLITE_BUSY instead of having it
wait for the lock to end. I was able to very very hackishly work around
this problem with:

               if (sqlite3_exec (sql, "PRAGMA user_version",
                              xmms_sqlite_version_cb, &version, NULL)
sqlite3_exec(sql, "PRAGMA user_version", xmms_sqlite_version_cb, &version, NULL);

Obviously this isn't a real solution, but it does solve the problem...

Is there something wrong with sqlite3_bus_timeout on NetBSD?

One can find the more complete source of out sqlite wrapper at:
http://git.xmms.se/?p=xmms2- devel.git;a=blob;h=d0ee1489ad19aba2a4b72e569effd143417bcdda;hb=6732ab9 98047e684a99e558c99edb62466511df8;f=src/xmms/sqlite.c

Thanks in advance, Alex

Please CC, off list.


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