I've been using SQLite for a very short period of time and so far Its doing a 
great job for my application (single user, quite a big amount of data though).

Now, since theres a lot of repetitive data, I thought that compressing the 
database would be a good idea, since, we all know.. One of the first principles 
of data compression is getting rid of repetitive data, so... I was wondering if 
this is possible with SQLite or it would be quite a pain to implement a 
compression scheme by myself?.. I have worked with many compression libraries 
before so that wouldnt be an issue, the issue however, would be to implement 
any of the libraries into SQLite...

So, before I waste my time with something that perhaps has been done already, I 
decided to ask here. Is there any compression scheme I can use? or I'm doomed 
to implement this by myself? (any tips?).

Thanks a lot. 

PS: Sorry if I didnt read the manual enough.

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