Gussimulator uttered:

I've been using SQLite for a very short period of time and so far Its doing a great job for my application (single user, quite a big amount of data though).

Now, since theres a lot of repetitive data, I thought that compressing the database would be a good idea, since, we all know.. One of the first principles of data compression is getting rid of repetitive data, so... I was wondering if this is possible with SQLite or it would be quite a pain to implement a compression scheme by myself?.. I have worked with many compression libraries before so that wouldnt be an issue, the issue however, would be to implement any of the libraries into SQLite...

So, before I waste my time with something that perhaps has been done already, I decided to ask here. Is there any compression scheme I can use? or I'm doomed to implement this by myself? (any tips?).

For desktop or server use, storage is cheap. Unless you're constrained by limited space because of embedded FLASH storage, you're better off just taking the hit, IMO.


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