On 7/11/06, A. Pagaltzis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

OTOH sometimes a correlated subquery that just collects data is
faster to execute or more readily optimisable when expressed as a
JOIN. I remember such a case, but it wasn't in my code so I paid
insufficient attention and now my memory of the details is hazy.

In my last project they were mostly for finding correlated data -
What name was on a record that has an identical SSN?
So just EXISTS wasn't sufficient.

Generally, I'd approach this the same way as I approach
programming in general: try to write the cleanest, most self-
documenting code possible, and if practice shows there is a
performance problem, then run benchmarks to see what might work
better. I see little point in microoptimisations, particularly in
absence of a clear need for performance.

That's my approach too, but I thought some basic research to confirm
what worked with this engine was probably a good thing. I'm a bit "becalmed"
at work now anyway too.

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