I've been using the SQLiteSpy sql browser tool from Ralf Junker
at The Delphi Inspiration to test and time sql. Unfortunately for my
assumptions, it appears that
SQLiteSpy runs queries about 2.5x faster than using the SQLite dll in my
Does anyone know how to speed up SQLite running as a dll?
I contacted Ralf who informed me that he knew of this speed advantage and
mentioned that
he compiled his dll separately using Borland.
An additional mystery is why using the 'optimize for speed' compiler option
slows down the result set processing.

I am using VC 6 C++ and SQLite 3.34.
My timing test uses the time reported my SQLite as reported on the status
bar, and
for my code, I time only the sql_exec stmt completion callbacks:
'rc = sqlite3_exec(db, pSQL, callback1, 0, &zErrMsg);'.
My callback merely stuffs 5 columns into a char array with no processing.

Thanks for your help.

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