> I've been using the SQLiteSpy sql browser tool from Ralf 
> Junker at The Delphi Inspiration to test and time sql. 
> Unfortunately for my assumptions, it appears that SQLiteSpy 
> runs queries about 2.5x faster than using the SQLite dll in my code.
> Does anyone know how to speed up SQLite running as a dll?
> I contacted Ralf who informed me that he knew of this speed 
> advantage and mentioned that he compiled his dll separately 
> using Borland.
> An additional mystery is why using the 'optimize for speed' 
> compiler option actually slows down the result set processing.
> I am using VC 6 C++ and SQLite 3.34.
> My timing test uses the time reported my SQLite as reported 
> on the status bar, and for my code, I time only the sql_exec 
> stmt completion callbacks:
> 'rc = sqlite3_exec(db, pSQL, callback1, 0, &zErrMsg);'.
> My callback merely stuffs 5 columns into a char array with no 
> processing.
> Thanks for your help.
> Michael

Michael I would suggest that SQLiteSpy is using sqlite3_prepare,
sqlite3_step and sqlite3_reset rather than sqlite3_exec and this
accounts for the difference.


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