[ANN] SQLite Manager - Browser - Editor + Deep SQL

Windows/UTF-8 only.

Four query views.
Transactions supported.

Table Edit
- complete editing flexibility. No limitation how a table is arranged for editing as long as Primary Key present.

- Lookup List
- Save Queries
- Save Defalut Query
- Ditto Columns
- Dupe Rows
- Save Table View Layout

Data Manager
- Tables
- Indexes
- Views
- Triggers
- Create
- Rename
- Drop
- Create
- Rename
- Drop
- Add
- Drop
- Rename
- Reorder - change column order
- Redefine - completely redefine columns - (type, collate, default, not null, unique, check)

Blob Data
- Edit blobs as if a local file - Excel®, Word®, Photoshop®, etc...

Deep SQL
- BLOB-stored SQLite databases
Work on blob-stored SQLite databases - down to any level. DB stored in Row/Column of parent, that's stored in Row/Column of its parent, that's stored in Row/Column of its parent, etc... www.sqlight.com/features/deep-sql.html

This appears to be the only SQLite browser actually designed for editing tables. Most (all the ones I've found) restrict you to editing tables in the original creation order.

SQLight supports editing any single table query (use WHERE, use ORDER BY) as long as the Primary Key is present. "SELECT rowid,Cat,Sub,Item,Brand,Name,Dscrpt,Price,Sale,OnSale FROM Products WHERE OnSale='Y' AND Price>20 ORDER BY Cat,Sub,Item,Brand LIMIT 300"
This query can be edited.


sd  (at)  sqlite DOT com

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