I am encountering a problem trying to open a sqlite3 db (ver 3.3.6) using
the sqlite3_open function.
According to the docs, the file path should be utf8 encoded. If in the path
there are non-ansii chars, the following method fails in win98.

Tried the following:
1. Created an sqlite3 db in a path containing greek chars
2. Tried to open it by passing the path in utf8: it works on win2k, fails on
3. Tried to open it by passing the path as an ansii string: works on win98
(why?), fails in win2k

Tried the above with the following 2 programs:
- SQLiteSpy (3.3.6) (exactly the same behavior: fails to open utf8 encoded
path in win9x
- SQLiteExplorer: opened the file in Win98 (using ansii), failed on win2k.

Can anyone confirm this issue?

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