On 8/5/06, Costas Stergiou <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I am encountering a problem trying to open a sqlite3 db (ver 3.3.6) using
the sqlite3_open function.
According to the docs, the file path should be utf8 encoded. If in the path
there are non-ansii chars, the following method fails in win98.

AFAIK the Win9x systems can only use FAT16/32 and these filesystems
cannot use Unicode, everything has to be translated into charset used
by the system.

I think you will never succeed using UTF-8 encoded filenames on those
systems. I don't know how it can be done programmatically, but each
file or directory name has its 8.3 name as well, i.e. "Program Files"
would be "progra~1". I think this is the safest way how to pass
filenames to SQLite. It should work on Win 9x as well as 2K and XP.


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