
Thanks for responding so quickly.

It's taken awhile for me to do these tests, as it took me a little time
to double check how the compiler lays out it's 64 bit integers ( I've
never quite trusted an emulator's watch window! ).

I've simplified my tests to an in memory database with the following
test case:

                sqlite3 * thedb;
                CharT * ErrorMessage=NULL;

                BoolT Result( sqlite3_open(":memory:",&thedb) ==
                Result = Result && 
                                sqlite3_exec(thedb, "CREATE TABLE
Players ( FirstName TEXT,LastName TEXT)", callback, 0, &ErrorMessage )

                Result = Result &&  
                                sqlite3_exec(thedb, "SELECT * FROM
sqlite_master", callback, 0, &ErrorMessage ) == SQLITE_OK );
                Result = Result && 
                                sqlite3_exec(thedb, "INSERT INTO Players
VALUES ( \"Joe\",\"Cole\")", callback, 0, &ErrorMessage ) == SQLITE_OK;
                Result = Result && 
                                sqlite3_exec(thedb, "CREATE TABLE Clubs
( FirstName TEXT,Ground TEXT)", callback, 0, &ErrorMessage ) ==
                Result = Result && 
                                sqlite3_exec(thedb, "INSERT INTO Clubs
VALUES ( \"ManU\",\"OldTrafford\")", callback, 0, &ErrorMessage ) ==
                Result = Result && 
                                sqlite3_exec(thedb, "INSERT INTO Clubs
VALUES ( \"Liverpool\",\"Anfield\")", callback, 0, &ErrorMessage ) ==
                Result = Result && 
                                sqlite3_exec(thedb, "INSERT INTO Clubs
VALUES ( \"Chelsea\",\"Stamford Bridge\")", callback, 0, &ErrorMessage )

                Result = Result AND_THEN CHECK_EQUAL(
sqlite3_exec(thedb, "SELECT * FROM Players", callback, 0, &ErrorMessage
                Result = Result AND_THEN CHECK_EQUAL(
sqlite3_exec(thedb, "SELECT * FROM Clubs", callback, 0, &ErrorMessage ),

Following your advice, I set a break in sqlite3VdbeSerialGet just
following the line you suggested.

The breakpoint was hit twice during execution of this test ( once from
the CREATE TABLE Players query, once from the SELECT * from
sqlite_master query ).
On both occasions, pMem->i appeared to be correctly assigned the value

However, the 'rootpage' entry in my debug output following this still
registered the strange 'corruption' mentioned previously.
< This is a simple string dump from the callback method. Nothing clever,
and no type conversion >

The subsequent INSERT INTO Players failed, and hence the rest of the
tests did not run.



> The following code snippet is from vdbeaux.c:
>   int sqlite3VdbeSerialGet(
>     const unsigned char *buf,
>     u32 serial_type,
>     Mem *pMem
>   ){
>     switch( serial_type ){
>       case 10:
>       case 11:
>       case 0: { 
>         pMem->flags = MEM_Null;
>         break;
>       }
>       case 1: {
>         pMem->i = (signed char)buf[0];  /****** TROUBLE HERE? ****/
>         pMem->flags = MEM_Int;
>         return 1;
>       }
> I put a comment on the line I suspect is malfunctioning.
> This is where the integer value '2' gets read out of the database file
and into a 64-bit integer in memory.
> pMem->i is a long long int, and buf[0] is a character.
> I'm guessing your compiler is not doing the conversion
> quite right.
> Can you run in the debugger on the ARM and see what
> is happening?  If you don't have  debugger on the ARM,
> can you at least use some printf()s to see what is going
> on at that point?

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