"Barrass, Richard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The breakpoint was hit twice during execution of this test ( once from
> the CREATE TABLE Players query, once from the SELECT * from
> sqlite_master query ).
> On both occasions, pMem->i appeared to be correctly assigned the value
> 2.

The next thing to try is to single-step the code forward from
this breakpoint until the value of pMem->i changes from 2 to

A faster way to find out where the faulty conversion is occurring
is to compile with -DSQLITE_DEBUG=1 and set "PRAGMA vdbe_trace=ON".
This will trace the execution of the SQLite virtual machine show
values on the stack after each operation.  Perhaps that will show
us where the 0x200000002 is first appearing.
D. Richard Hipp   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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