Jay Sprenkle wrote:
On 8/29/06, John Stanton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Thankyou.  The Firefox people have merely removed their dependance upon
an unreliable resource, cross OS file locking.  A prudent design choice.

If they come up with an elegant distributed lock protocol it would be
worth propagating universally in the light of the success of Firefox and
its consequent broad distribution.  I see that it has already grabbed
perhaps 30% of browser users.

I agree as long as they don't replace it with something that is less robust. IMHO something that's broken as simply as running two instances doesn't seem
robust or elegant. I hope I'm wrong about it though

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As long as I can remember poorly conceived and implemented file locking mechanisms have been a nosebleed in IT. If you were ever involved in porting to multiple OS's you quickly got burned. On that basis I hope the Firefox people develop something elegant, but wouldn't bet on it.

As you can tell from this forum, locking and synchronization is the area where there is least intuitive understanding among users and is the most consistent source of problems. There must be a deep psychological reason.

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