Sorry if this messages dont follow the thread, I only have digest
and I dont know how to attach msg to the correct thread.

I have just now put together wiki pages that describe these errors.

Other readers of this mailing list are encouraged to review and
extend my remarks on those pages.
D. Richard Hipp   <drh <at>>

Just checked with my customer,
He gets 5 -Database is locked, that is SQLITE_BUSY every time
if he starts the app from another machine. This makes me think
that I have some sort of configuration error since every SQL
request on any table gives this error.

- Is there any way to ask the database if its locked (from the app that apparently locks it) ?

- I use these pragmas when I create the database, do they affect ?
 PRAGMA page_size=4096;
 PRAGMA auto_vacuum = 1;

- Do sqlite3_exec() need any release or any close (three last parameters are NULL).

- Will opening, reading from and closing another database affect ?

- Will nested selects from the same table affect ?

- Can the "library routine called out of sequence" be a consiquence of the above ?

Sorry for bugging this list with all these questions but I need to help my customer and I need to know what I do wrong so that I can avoid trouble in the future.

John Martin Alfredsson

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