I have a table like this:

  fromId        VARCHAR(6),
  toId          VARCHAR(6),
  serviceId     INTEGER,
  PRIMARY KEY (fromId, toId)

and I insert these values:

INSERT INTO np VALUES (  0,  5, 2);
INSERT INTO np VALUES ( 40, 43, 3);
INSERT INTO np VALUES (440,499, 3);
INSERT INTO np VALUES (500,599, 1);

I want to list only the rows who have, for a particular value, for example *42*
a min bound "fromId" and max bound "toId".

for example:
if I run this query in *sqlite version 3.3.6* I obtain (two rows):

sqlite> SELECT * from np WHERE (42>=fromId) AND (42<=toId);
fromId           toId             serviceId
---------------  ---------------  ---------------
0                5                2
40               43               3

and if I run the same query in Mysql I obtain (one row):

mysql> SELECT * from np WHERE (42>=fromId) AND (42<=toId);
| fromId | toId | serviceId |
| 40     | 43   |         3 |
1 row in set (0.03 sec)

this is correct because  *40 <= 42 <= 43*

I have the same result using *BETWEEN* operator.

can you help me to to explain to me this "strange" (for me)

bye Andrea.

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