With sqlite version 3.3.7 if I create a new database using:

    if (sqlite3_open("/var/tmp/solarwave/aem.db", &db)!=0)
        printf("Cannot open db\n");

and then issue the following:

    snprintf(query, QUERY_SIZE, "%s", "PRAGMA legacy_file_format = ON");
    nResult=sqlite3_exec(db, query, NULL, NULL, &cError);

    snprintf(query, QUERY_SIZE, "%s", "PRAGMA auto_vacuum = 1");
    nResult=sqlite3_exec(db, query, NULL, NULL, &cError);
snprintf(query, QUERY_SIZE, "%s", "PRAGMA empty_result_callbacks = 1");
    nResult=sqlite3_exec(db, query, NULL, NULL, &cError);
    snprintf(query, QUERY_SIZE, "%s", "PRAGMA synchronous = NORMAL");
    nResult=sqlite3_exec(db, query, NULL, NULL, &cError);

Everything works fine - within the application. However I have a php/sqlite combo that also talks to the same database. When it does, I get

        Warning: sqlite_open(): file is encrypted or is not a database
        in /mnt/flash/runtime/exec/dumprecords.php on line 46

Doesn't PRAGMA legacy_file_format = ON cover this?  The docs state:

        When this flag is on, new SQLite databases are created in a file
        format that is readable and writable by all versions of SQLite
        going back to 3.0.0. When the flag is off, new databases are
        created using the latest file format which might to be readable
        or writable by older versions of SQLite.

Now since the docs say "When this flag is ON, new SQLite databases are created in a file format that is readable...", I wondered if this meant that I have to set the PRAGMA *before* creating the db? How is that possible??

Or maybe this PRAGMA is broken?


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