Hello Sarah,

First of all, to create TEMPorary table you shall use one of the
following statements:

create temp table myt(age smallint)
create table temp.myt(age smallint)

WBR, Denis

-----Original Message-----
From: Sarah [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 20, 2006 1:31 PM
To: sqlite-users@sqlite.org
Subject: [sqlite] about temp table


I met some problem when executing the following test program in an
embedded environment without os. It seems that temp table isn't created
   sqlite3_exec(db, "create table myt(age smallint)", NULL, NULL, NULL);

Could someone explain 'the functionality of temp table and when it is
created' for me? Or give me some links to the web page about temp table.

If I define OMIT_TEMPTABLE, then what's the consequence?


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