Hi List,
  we have ported SQLite to one of our consumer products. We require some
minimal applications only like creating and deleting table and Inserting ,
Querying, deleting rows in a table. So, We are planning to remove some of
the features like create view and etc , as we are facing some memory
problems and we want to increase the performance of SQLite. Could you please suggest me what are the things to be done to remove the features like views
and others ( which we usually not required) and How to increase the
performance of SQLite.

Thanks and Regards,
 Vivek R

Generally, you can use transaction to wrap up your inserts and updates to improve writing performance. The details are discussed here: http://www.sqlite.org/cvstrac/wiki?p=PerformanceConsiderations . Additionally, PRAGMA synchronous = OFF; will force sqlite to rely on operating system cache when writing. It's a great time saver. Check http://www.sqlite.org/pragma.html for its details and safety concerns.

After all, sqlite is a database management system. So to improve reading (selecting) speed, you'll need to create indexes on those columns appears often in your where clause. Sometimes it's necessary to do some benchmarks and use queries such as EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN SELECT * ... to find out whether these indexes are improving the performance.

Best regards,
He Shiming

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