This is very very sweet :)

Many thanks for sharing Greschenz. I would love to see
this project mature. Maybe something like a ThinClient
webserver with Javascript as the backend so we could
write lovely web apps with AJAX support that offers
database like features? Could it also run on
Thinstation with some attached storage? Wow! 

Here's some other ideas:

* Make it possible to include external classes or
files, for example include('myclass.jsp')
* add some build it object to make it easier to do
stuff inside the server. Example Mail, File, Scheduler

var mail = new Mail() = '[EMAIL PROTECTED]';
mail.from = '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
mail.subject = 'Hello';

var f = new File('contacts.xml');
var xml = f.readAll();

var sch = new Scheduler();
if(!sch.exists('MyImporter')) {
   sch.setInterval(30); // every 30 minutes

Just my 2 cents.
Raymond Irving

Raymond Irving

--- Günter Greschenz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> the reasons why i did this:
> 1) i wanted to have a simple webserver to get my son
> involved in 
> programming an online game, and he knows already a
> little bit javascript
> 2) my hobby is programming in c++ and javascript,
> but at work i have to 
> code in c#, so i just wanted to have some fun :-)
> i think its no a new idea, ive seen some webservers
> using javascript as 
> backend language, but everything i found was to
> complicated to 
> install/use or to complicated to port to a new
> hw-platform (i want to 
> run it on my linksys-nslu2 with ftpd to my topfield
> hd-vcr to program 
> the recordings via web).
> and i like sqlite very much and no webserver i found
> had this combination.
> if you look at my code, you see that i just use
> *) sqlite
> *) the javascript-engine from mozilla (very
> advanced: js v1.7 including 
> xml support...),
> *) some glue code to access sqlite and a simple http
> server from js 
> (only one file: gas.cpp)
> the trick between js and sqlite is like yours: every
> sql statement 
> executed returns a 2-dim array...
> one thing is maybe iteresting: the class "DBItem".
> its a kind of (very 
> simple) or-mapper.
> it maps the properties of a javascript-object to the
> columns of a table. 
> here is a code example:
>     var db = new Database("user.sdb");
>     db.exec("create table if not exists user (id
> integer primary key 
> autoincrement, name varchar unique, pwd varchar,
> test varchar)");
>     var user = new DBItem(db, "user");
>     user._name = "Guenter";
>     user._pwd = "FooBar1234567890";
>     user._test = "blubb";
>     user.flush();
>     var id = user._id;
>     var user = new DBItem(db, "user", id);
>     print("name="+user._name+"\n");
>     //db.exec("delete from user where id="+id);
> if you are still curious (or anyone else ?), i can
> send you the actual 
> source by mail. :-)
> btw: i had a look into your http-source: looks nice,
> but its maybe to 
> complicated to implement my features like
> http-multipart-posts.
> cu, gg
> John Stanton schrieb:
> > The multi-threaded application/www server I
> described requires no 
> > threading involvement from the application
> programmer.  That 
> > programmer uses SQL, HTML, Javascript and the
> application language we 
> > call MUV. Think about it, when you use Apache you
> don't have to be 
> > aware of its internal threading.
> >
> > The only significant synchronisation element is to
> do with multiple 
> > users of Sqlite, and that is handled transparently
> to the application 
> > programmer.
> >
> > What I was curious about was your statement that
> you used Javascript 
> > as a backend.  Do you have a novel idea there? 
> For example my 
> > application language will, inter alia, populate
> Javascript arrays from 
> > an SQL statement.  Do you have any such features
> or something more 
> > ingenious? (I still cannot get access to your
> server).
> >
> > My application server runs on Win98, Win2000/XP,
> Linux, AIX 4.2 and 
> > 5.3.  The executive, fileserving, compression and
> CGI components are 
> > realised in less than 20K of code.  HTML V2 is
> implemented.
> >
> > There are some old fragments of this program at 
> >  If you are
> interested I can dig out 
> > the current code and let you have it.
> >
> >
> > Günter Greschenz wrote:
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> normally i like multithreading, but in this case
> i like the simple 
> >> approach (at least for rendering the pages),
> because as application 
> >> programmer (the guy who will develop the apps in
> javascript) its much 
> >> easier if you dont have to think about locks,
> racing conditions and 
> >> other pitfalls. and the rendering itself is
> (depending on what you 
> >> do, of course) fast enough for me (simple pages
> need <10ms !). I want 
> >> to multithread the upload to the client after all
> work is done.
> >> in my current implementation the complete server
> is blocked until the 
> >> download is finished. in my logfiles i have
> entries with 25 minutes 
> >> (see
> "";) !!!
> thats really 
> >> unacceptable !
> >> could you mail me some samples howto multithread
> portable (linux & 
> >> win32) ?
> >>
> >> cu, gg
> >>
> >>
> >> John Stanton schrieb:
> >>
> >>> Gunter,
> >>>
> >>> I recently wrote a multi-threaded portable web
> server in simpl ANSI 
> >>> C. It uses Win32 threads or pthreads.  It caches
> threads and re-uses 
> >>> them on a most recently used basis.  Efficiency
> is obtained by using 
> >>> TransmitFile (Win32) or sendfile (Unix).
> >>>
> >>> The logic is simple for an efficient,
> multi-threaded www server.
> >>>
> >>> An added bonus of mutli-threading is that it
> takes advantage of the 
> >>> ability of a browser to open multiple concurrent
> connections and 
> >>> persistent connections.
> >>>
> >>> My WWW server is set up as an application
> server, with embedded 
> >>> Sqlite and an embedded byte-coded metalanguage
> used to define DHTML 
> >>> pages.  An associated compiler produces the byte
> code.  By using 
> >>> compiled byte code the overhead of interpreting
> a script-type 
> >>> language is avoided.
> >>>
> >>> Günter Greschenz wrote:
> >>>
> >>>> Hi,
> >>>>
> >>>> yes i know, the problem is, its single-threaded
> (because of 
> >>>> protability), so if anyone starts a download
> with a slow 
> >>>> connection, the server is blocked for other
> connections.. im still 
> >>>> thinking about this problem... single-threading
> whle rendering th 
> >>>> pages and multithreading for sending them to
> the clients, or maybe 
> >>>> async socket writes (is this possible in linux
> ?)
> >>>> but i've seen (in the logs :-) a lot of people
> are interested. its 
> >>>> funny to sit at the console at home and see the
> log messages when 
> >>>> anyone comes by...
> >>>> at the moment its just an alpha-version... but
> if i have more time 
> >>>> (or maybe anyone helps me) it will improve !
> >>>> the server itself is an i386-linux at ~ 300mhz,
> so dont expect too 
=== message truncated ===

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