James Mills <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> I'm wanting to use SQLite in an embedded web application
> that will serve as a proxy and possible serve up many
> connections at once. I'm talking here of high-traffic
> through this web app.
> Question is, how will SQLite perform under these kinds
> of conditions ? I've been speaking to a few of the Trac
> developers, and they inform me that SQLite uses a global
> writer meaning that only a single thread can write at
> any one point in time. This would explain why trac-hacks.org
> is so slow at times to load up.
> Thoughts/Comments ?
> (btw) I really don't want to be using a server-client
> rdbms such as MySQL or Postgresql because of the small
> overheads in having a server.

No question about it - a client/server database will give you
much better concurrency.  The price of that concurrency is,
of course, increased complexity and administrative overhead.
There is a tradeoff here.  You need to decide what is most
important to you - easy of setup and operation or high

I do not know why the Trac people are having problems with
SQLite.  I have not looked at their code.  But I find it
hard to believe that a bug tracking website could exceed the
concurrency capabilities of SQLite.  SQLite should have
plenty enough concurrency to support any bug database that
human bug-fixers are able to keep up with.

What do you mean by "high-traffic"?  

The SQLite website itself runs on a 200MHz slice of a virtual
server and handles an average of 1 hit/second on weekdays.  It
is backed by a version 2 SQLite database and seems to work just
fine.  Requests often take multple seconds to fulfill, so at
any given moment in time, there are multiple requests pending.
The trick is, not every request uses the database.  And requests
that write to the database (Wiki pages updates, creating new
tickets, etc.) are fewer still.  So SQLite has no problem handling
the load even on a rather slow virtual server slice.

The SQLite website was written by me (of course) and I understand
the concurrency issues in SQLite better than most.  So I was
careful to make sure that the website does not hold exclusive
locks on the database for more than a fraction of a second.
The fact that the Trac team has problems with SQLite suggests
to me that they have not been nearly so careful.  If you want
the freedom to do long transactions without having to worry about
locking out other clients, and you are not concerned about ease
of installation and administration (and the Trac team clearly is
not concerned about ease of administration from what I have seen)
then you should definitely consider a client/server database 
instead of SQLite.  But if you need a self-contained application
that does not require any database administration and you are
willing to take the extra care in coding your app that such a
database requires, then SQLite could well be your best choice.

D. Richard Hipp  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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