Yes but google doesnt us an RDMS, its all propriatary to support there speed
and huge volumes. Its anyones guess (excpet google themselves) what exactly
they do, and rumours abound, but I have done many apps which require custom
data handling to achieve some end that doesnt fit with RDBM Systems.

But yes paging and using LIMIT and OFFSET is also a solution. Again not as
efficent though, cause of all the repeated queris :-)

On 10/25/06, Martin Jenkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Da Martian wrote:

> But to return all the rows just to count them requires N calls to
> step. If the data set is large you only want to return a subset to
> start with. So you wouldnt know the count. If you dont know the
> count, you cant update GUI type things etc..

I haven't been following this thread closely, but isn't this exactly the
problem that Google "solves" by returning

      "Results 1 - 10 of about 9,940,000 for sqlite. (0.11 seconds)"

for a query with a very large result set? If Google can't do it with all
the resources they have...


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