On Tue, 31 Oct 2006 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I need advice from the community.  The problem
is seen here:


It appears that McAfee Anti-Virus uses SQLite internally,
and it leaves lots of files in C:/TEMP that contain
SQLite in their names.  This annoys many windows users.
They get on Google and search around for "sqlite" and
find me.  Then they send me private email or call me at
my office or on my cellphone to complain.  Many refuse
to believe that I have nothing to do with the problem
and I am accused of spreading a virus or malware.

My efforts to contact Mcafee about this problem have
been unfruitful.

Does anybody have an suggestions on how I might deal
with this?  Does anybody know how I can get in touch
with an engineer at Mcafee so that we can at least
change the names of the files in future releases?

How did you try to contact McAfee? Did you address your request to McAfee corporate or to the McAfee General Counsel? I would expect that those people would have a special interest in intellectual property matters and be aware of the downside of bad publicity and selling software which has an important open source component. They would also have the clout within the organization to have the product changed post haste.

At the moment McAfee is in a sensitive position, having just been trapped in a $622 million accounting fraud and been fined $50 million. The McAfee Chairman and CEO George Semanuk and President Kevin Weiss have both been fired. The new management is in cleanup mode, and should be amenable to change.

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