Hi all!

The "Fts One" wiki page mentions that grouping operator is not supported.

"FTS1 does not provide any grouping operator (i.e. parentheses) for
overriding this default precedence."
-- http://www.sqlite.org/cvstrac/wiki?p=FtsOne

e.g. "(foo bar) OR blabla"

Are there plans to implement such a very useful feature in "Fts Two"?
Currently the "Fts Two" wiki page don't has any information about it.
( http://www.sqlite.org/cvstrac/wiki?p=FtsTwo )

The "FullTextIndex" wiki page mention some "Missing features".

"The full-text module [Fts One] is still in an early development
phase. The following features are missing but hopefully coming soon:
* We plan to support prefix queries (e.g. "foo*").
* Applications will be able to specify custom tokenizers."
-- http://www.sqlite.org/cvstrac/wiki?p=FullTextIndex

Are there plans to support sufix and prefix queries in "Fts Two" ?
e.g. "*foo*"

Best regards,
Klemens Friedl

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