> QUESTION 1: sqlite3_prepare_v2 is the merely the working name
> for the new function.  What should the official name be?
> Some possibilities include:
>     sqlite3_prepare_ex1
>     sqlite3_prepare_ng
>     sqlite3_new_prepare
>     sqlite3_compile
> QUESTION 2: Are there any other API warts that need to be
> worked around that can be fixed by this same change?
The fact that prepare depends upon a database connection handle. IE,
it'd be nice to be able to compile once, and re-use for situations where
you know you're using the same database, but don't want to incur the
preparation cost for every time you want to go off and execute the
statement. (Not talking, compile time, but rather, prepare once per
runtime, and you're done). It'd make life hella easier for people doing
multi-threaded work, to compartmentalise/fine grain as much as possible,
and to create connections/queries resources only as they're needed, then
tear them back down once they've finished.
> QUESTION 3: Suppose there is a schema change and the SQL
> statement is automatically reprepared. But the schema change
> is such that the SQL is no longer valid.  (Perhaps one of the
> tables mentioned in a SELECT statement was dropped.) What
> error code should sqlite3_step() return in that case?
I trust your judgement on this ;)
> --
> D. Richard Hipp  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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Bill King, Software Engineer
Trolltech, Brisbane Technology Park
26 Brandl St, Eight Mile Plains, 
QLD, Australia, 4113
Tel + 61 7 3219 9906 (x137)
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mobile: 0423 532 733

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